Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Psalms an Example by

The Psalms by Expert Prof Nelly | 26 Dec 2016 Introduction For the most part of the Bible, the Book of Psalms offers the most variety of topics ranging from advices, prayers, songs, encouragement, promises, worship celebrations, laments, complaints and many others which anyone can relate t its context. As Elizabeth Huwiler puts it, because they are part of the Biblical canon, they can allow us to speak to God in ways that seem daring, and in situations in which we do not know what to say.(Huwiler) Need essay sample on "The Psalms" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed Students Often Tell EssayLab professionals: Who wants to write assignment for me? Essay writer professionals suggest: Essaylab.Com Can Provide You With The Winning Academic Essay Good Essay Writing Company Custom Writing Collage Papers For Sale Write My Essay For Me Cheap Why so many people are attracted to the Psalms and what makes them so interesting? According to Alan Palmer and Debra Reid, there are three main reasons that contribute to the Psalms enduring popularity: (Palmer and Reid) The Psalms reveal a God who has a heart for the arts. Palmer and Reid said that Psalms are alive and attractive because they are so full of music.(p.22) No one can deny the importance and influence of music to anyone. As some people would say, music is the soul of the heart. Music occupies space in ones emotion and heart. The Psalms reveal a God with a passion for poetry. The Psalms are simply poetry set to music according to Palmer and Reid, the explanation for this is that, poetry is the best medium with which to communicate our feelings.(p.22) The Psalms reveal a God who has provided Psalms for all seasons. This means that the context of the book relates to all people from generation after generation as Saint Augustine commented on Psalms, said, here we can see ourselves and our situation, there is nothing we can experience which is not reflected in the writing of the Psalmist. Some verses that are famous among Christians are Psalms 37:4 which say, Delight yourself also in the Lord and He shall give you the desires of your heart. This verse provides inspiration and in most quoted by those who are seeking to achieve something in their lives. Psalms 119:105 is also a favorite verse, it says, Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.(KJV) This verse offers comfort to those who are facing dark moments in their lives. Thus, the Psalms find special place in the heart not only of the Christians but anyone who believe in the Bible and in God. Analysis of the Topic in Biblical Interpretation Carl S. Lewis explained that the Book of Psalms is not doctrinal but merely poems of human experiences that lived and experienced God. He said (as cited in BobDeffinbaugh, Th.M. paper) The Psalms are poems and poems intended to be sung: not doctrinal treatises, nor even sermons. Most emphatically the Psalms must be read as poems; as lyrics, with all the licenses and all the formalities, the hyperboles, the emotional rather than logical connections, which are proper to lyric poetry. The foreword to Warren Wiersbes book Prayer, Praise and Promises, Woodrow Kroll said that the Psalms have always held a special place in the affection of Israel. The people of God rejoiced and lamented together by singing the Psalms. (Wiersbe) The Book of Psalms as he described is more than just a poetical expression of faith of Gods people. It is indeed an expression of the reality of their situation. It is more than just a song, more than just a prayer or an inspiration. It is a real encounter with their God, a deeper relationship and intimacy that had been developed, because God Himself had become real in their lives. Their faith in God proves to be their only but most reliable source of strength. Dr. Huwiler said that the Psalms focus on God, using a magnificent variety of expressions and images. Thus, when one approach God in the manner of the Psalms, he or she will find God as shield, deliverer, listener, destroyer, teacher, refuge, healer, savior, judge, sovereign, king, stronghold, gracious one, who remembers the oppressed, shepherd, rock, eagle and on and on. With regards to the authorship of the Book, David, acknowledged as the dominant author. Scholars however suggested at least five inpiduals who wrote the book including David. They were spiritual men chosen by God to do specific tasks. They were Moses, Asaph, Solomon, and the sons of Korah. Dr. Huwiler noted that some Psalms are spoken by an inpidual (I), while others had corporate speakers (we). But even in the most personal Psalms, the tone shifted from an intimate conversation between the speaker and God to a call or witness to the whole community. The book was a collection of different kinds of poetry spanning many centuries of history. But, it reached its present form in 300 B.C. According to John Wesley, there are four basic collections within the book: (1) The Davidic Psalms (chapters 3-41, 51-70, 108-110, 138-145); (2) The Asaph Psalms (chapters 73-83); (3) The Korah Psalms (chapters 42. 44-49, 84-85, 87-88; and, (4) Songs of Ascents (chapters 120-134) Although, the compilation process is not known. The Psalter grew out of the life of a community of faith as the people used their songs and poetry to worship God.(Bratcher) Thus, though, David is traditionally seen as the dominant author, yet it is better to understand Psalms not in terms of inpidual authorship but as the product of this community of faith who composed, collected and passed on their prayers, hymns, songs and liturgy as a witness to their experience as the people of God.(Bratcher) The importance therefore is not on the persons who wrote them but in the message about what God reveals of Himself to His people and the peoples response to Him. In general, the content of the book was pided in three categories: the lament Psalms, the Thanksgiving Psalms and the Hymns. The Lament Psalms is the most numerous and usually a cry to God from distress, pain or sorrow, either fro the inpidual or the community, and often begins with why and ending in an affirmation of their faith in God. The Thanksgiving Psalms are praises and thanksgiving expressed to God in response to Gods faithfulness, blessings, protection and love that have been experienced. The Hymns are usually praises to God for who He is, as they experienced Gods wonderful and mighty power. What the Book of Psalms Contribute to the Life and Mission of the Church Alan Palmer and Debra Reid in their book Discovered Psalms said, Ambrose of Milan considered the Psalms the height of spirituality, viewing them as a kind of medicine for the salvation of the soul. They said that Psalms are alive and attractive because they are so full of music. The original Greek word Psalmoi, indicated a striking or twitching of the fingers on string. This later came to mean a sacred song accompanied by instruments. Today, the Psalms has become part of the life of the church all over the world in the context of Praise of Worship. The later part of the 20th century saw both the Protestants and Catholic Charismatic church benefited much from the Psalms because of the joyful songs from the Psalms. Choruses such as I will sing of the mercies of the Lord, Great is the Lord, and From the Rising of the Sun, were all beautiful songs literally taken from the Psalms. Palmer and Reid call these joyful songs as Davidic Worship Songs which brought a new dimension of church growth in 20th century. The joyful character of the songs revives ones spirit and brings spiritual filling to ones soul. Traditionally, the early church uses hymnals during worship. Hymnals are good because each hymn was composed out of experience that has served a moral and spiritual lessons or blessings to the composer. They were spiritually inspired to compose the hymns. But, todays generation has quite little if none at all, interest in the hymnal especially young people. They enjoy joyful songs which the Psalms offers. In the research by David Fischer and was lectured by Jon Eyman, they said that the worship and Praise instituted in the Tabernacle of David reappeared in every Old Testament Revival.(Eyman, p.94-95) But the Davidic Worship was not only confined in the Old Testament. The Apostle James declared that the New Testament Church was the fulfillment of the prophecy concerning the restoration of Davids Temple. (Eyman, p.96) The Psalms therefore, reappeared at once in the life of the church inspired by the Psalms in the form of spiritual music during the Praise and Worship. Today, Davids music continues to provide inspiration and revival in the life of the church. The Psalms represents the will of God concerning the worship of His people of all ages, culminating in the worship of the New Covenant people which now embraces all nations.(Eyman, 99) The tabernacle worship of David was marked by singing, rejoicing in the dance, clapping for joy, shouting, worshipping with instruments and prophesying new songs of the Lord.(Eyman, p99) This continues to bring more spiritual blessings and joy to the church until the return of Jesus Christ on earth for His church. Conclusion The Psalms are truly great source of inspiration and spiritual strength if one believes the Bible as the Word of God. It is full of words and praise of Gods promises, assurance, protection, comfort, deliverance, etc. In fact, it is worth-making our daily devotional as in the work of A.C. Gabelin, a Psalm a day keeps worry away.(Wiersbe, preface) Of course, every book of the Bible is equally inspired by God, but one can find that it is quite easy to relate our situation to the Psalms because the experiences of the writers are common and is not far from our own experience. It is indeed a realistic cry of expression of pain brought by the difficulty maybe economically and politically. The songs and promises offer comfort to any who will seriously believe God. The following texts from Psalm 91 offer assurance of Gods comfort and protection. Herewith is the first two and the last three verses of Psalms 91: He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress; in Him will I trust. Because He hath set His love upon me, therefore I will deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name. With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation. Work Cited Deffinbaugh, Th.M. What is Psalm? Bible.Org Dugans Topical Reference Bible (1985) Gordonsville, Tennessee: Dugan Publisher, Inc. Huwiler, Elizabeth. Psalms and Christian Prayer The Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia Palmer, Alan and Reid, Debra. (1998) Discovering Psalms. Cambridge, Great Britain: Crossway Books Leicester Wesley, John. Introducing the Psalms Biblical and Theological Resources for Growing Christians. Wiersbe, Warren. (1992) Prayer, Praise & Worship. Lincoln, Nebraska: Back to the Bible Worship Symposium Manual. International Worship Symposium Ministry (1993)

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Peacock Facts (Pavo sp. and Afropavo sp.)

Peacock Facts (Pavo sp. and Afropavo sp.) Peacocks are birds known for their showy plumage and piercing calls. While both males and females are often called peacocks, really only the male is the peacock. The female is a peahen, while the young are peachicks. Collectively, they are properly known as peafowl. Fast Facts: Peacock Scientific Name: Pavo cristatus; Pavo muticus; Afropavo congensisCommon Names: Peacock, Indian peacock, blue peafowl, green peafowl, Java peafowl, African peacock, Congo peafowl, mbuluBasic Animal Group: BirdSize: 3.0-7.5 feetWeight: 6-13 poundsLifespan: 15-20 yearsDiet: OmnivoreHabitat: Forests of India, Southeast Asia, and Congo Basin of AfricaPopulation: ThousandsConservation Status: Least Concern to Endangered (depending on species) Species Peafowl belong to the pheasant family (Phasianidae). The three genera are Pavo cristatus, the Indian or blue peacock; Pavo muticus, the Java or green peafowl; and Afropavo congensis, the African peafowl or mbulu. There are also subspecies of green peafowl. The male green peafowl and female Indian peafowl can mate to produce a fertile hybrid called a spalding. Description Peacocks are easily identified by their fan-like crest of feathers and long train of colorful eye-spot feathers. Male birds have spurs on their legs which they use for territorial disputes with other males. While peahens have a feathered crest, they lack the elaborate train. Both males and females have iridescent feathers. Actually, the feathers are brown, but crystalline structures produce vibrant blue, green, and gold colors by the scattering and interference of light. The body of the blue peacock appears blue, while the body of the green peacock appears green. The African peacock is a darker blue-green and brown. Chicks bear cryptic coloring in shades of tan and brown that help them blend in with their environment. Both males and females are large birds, but males are about twice the length of females because of their feather train. On average, adults range from three to over seven feet from beak to tail tip. They weigh between six and thirteen pounds. African or Congo peafowl have shorter trains the green or blue peafowl. Stan Osolinski, Getty Images Habitat and Distribution Originally, the Indian peacock came from the Indian subcontinent. Now it is widely distributed across South Asia. Green peafowl live in Southeast Asia, including China, Thailand, Myanmar, Malaysia, and Java. The African peacock is native to the Congo Basin. The three peafowl species do not naturally overlap ranges. All three species prefer forested habitats. Diet and Behavior Like other pheasants, peafowl are omnivorous, basically eating anything that fits in their beaks. They eat fruits, insects, crops, garden plants, seeds, insects, small mammals, and small reptiles. At night, peacocks fly to tree branches to roost in family units. Reproduction and Offspring The breeding season is variable and depends largely on rain. Males fan their feathers to attract a mate. A female may select a mate based on several factors, which include the visual display, its low-frequency vibration (picked up by the females crest feathers), or the males call. A blue peacock has a harem of two to three peahens, while green and African peafowl tend to be monogamous. After mating, the female scrapes a shallow nest in the ground and lays between four and eight buff-colored eggs. She incubates the eggs, which hatch after 28 days. Only the female cares for the chicks, which follow her around or may be carried on her back when she flies to roost. Peafowl reach sexual maturity at two to three years of age. In the wild, they live between 15 and 20 years, but they may live 30 years in captivity. Green peahen with chicks. Ronald Leunis / EyeEm, Getty Images Conservation Status Peafowl conservation status depends on species. The IUCN classifies the conservation status of the Indian peacock as least concern. The bird enjoys wide distribution across Southeast Asia, with a wild population over 100,000. The IUCN lists the Congo peafowl as vulnerable and decreasing in population. In 2016, the number of mature birds was estimated to range between 2,500 and 10,000. The green peafowl is endangered. Fewer than 20,000 mature birds remain in the wild, with a decreasing population. Threats Peacocks face numerous threats, including habitat loss and degradation, hunting, poaching and predation. Green peacocks are further endangered by introduction of hybrid birds into wild populations. Peafowl and Humans Blue peacocks are agricultural pests in some regions. Peafowl readily breed in captivity. They are most often kept for the beauty and their feathers and sometimes for meat. Peacock feathers are collected after the male molts each year. While peafowl are affectionate toward their owners, they can be aggressive toward strangers. Sources BirdLife International 2016. Afropavo congensis. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016: e.T22679430A92814166. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016-3.RLTS.T22679430A92814166.enBirdLife International 2016. Pavo cristatus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016: e.T22679435A92814454. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016-3.RLTS.T22679435A92814454.enBirdLife International 2018. Pavo muticus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2018: e.T22679440A131749282. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2018-2.RLTS.T22679440A131749282.enGrimmett, R.; Inskipp, C.; Inskipp, T. Birds of India: Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, and the Maldives. Princeton University Press, 1999. ISBN 0-691-04910-6.  Johnsgard, P.A. The Pheasants of the World: Biology and Natural History. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press. p. 374, 1999. ISBN 1-56098-839-8.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Tombstone Fashion essays

Tombstone Fashion essays In 1879, with the discovery of silver in Arizona, Tombstone becomes queen of the boom towns where the latest Paris fashions are sold from the backs of wagons. Attracted to this atmosphere of greed over one hundred exiled Texas outlaws band together to form the ruthless gang recognized by the red sashes they wear. They emerge as the earliest example of organized crimes in America. They call themselves, The Cowboys. Tombstone. Simply put, The Cowboys, also known as The Notorious Clanton Gang, were the bad guys who infested the developing town of Tombstone; they were fugitives who brought crime and murder with them wherever they went. They were mischief makers hated and feared by the dominant culture of prospectors, gamblers, and businessmen because of their defiant attitude and by the way they dressed. The Notorious Clanton Gang was in fact comprised of actual cowboys who herded and raised livestock, mainly cattle, for a living. Accordingly, they traveled by horse so they wore spurs on their pointy leather boots to control their transportation. They would also wear chaps over their slacks to protect their legs from insects and brush they encountered on their journeys. They wore dust covered cowboy hats to keep the blazing sun out of their eyes and sun faded bandanas around their necks and mouths to ward off sun and dust. However, this simple and honest lifestyle was seemingly not of enough income or interest to the Cowboys. As a more sophisticated and elegant fashion of clothing began to manifest from Paris to the Southwest, the Cowboys remained loyal to their display of ruggedness and dirtiness. The Cowboys arduous way of life tended to develop rough-and-ready attitudes; instead of tailor-made suits and fancy neckties, they dressed in long, dusty, and tattered slacks as they trekked across the desert from town to town getting money by any means possible. This ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Road to Kickstarter †A Newbies Journey

The Road to Kickstarter – A Newbies Journey Kristys Quilt is a heartwarming quilt adventure based on a true story featuring 10 year old Kristy, a spunky little quilter who blossoms at the In Stitches Quilting Retreat. A picture book for ages 2-92. And Im funding it on Kickstarter. Have you been wondering what’s all the fuss about crowd funding? Well, you’re not alone. Kickstarter (KS) is a way to fund creative projects. It is NOT an easy way to get free money. I faced these questions on my road to Kickstarter, to gain a platform and funds for Kristy’s Quilt, questions (and answers) that might serve you well in your crowdfunding journey: 1.  Is my book worthy of publishing? You have to know the truth, so find a professional editor. Picture book editors with great websites were either too busy or too expensive, so I asked them to recommend emerging editors they know. I ended up with several to choose from at a reasonable price.    2.  Can I launch a KS campaign myself? The process is clear and simple. But, I found a KS manager to help create funding goals, edit my video, manage backers, updates and much more. A manager generally takes 15-30 percent of funds raised in a successful project or nothing, if the project isn’t funded. Do not choose a manager requiring payment if the goal is not met. 3.  What about contracts? I signed contracts with my KS manager and book illustrator to cover art deadlines, fee schedules and a contingency plan. No contract required for the self-publishing company; I retain all rights. 4.  How do I create a timeline? I chose a major sales event, the National Quilt Show, and worked my way back. Factor in the time for illustrations, to create backer rewards, and to print and ship. I chose a five-month timeline and launched on Valentine’s Day to make it memorable. 5.  How do I determine my funding goal? Be realistic. You need funds to fulfill backer orders, cover the costs of the project and have print books to sell. Avoid a lofty goal that can’t be backed. You can raise more than your goal, but not less, at least on Kickstarter. 6.  How do I create backer levels? Research successful picture book projects and back some to understand the process. I chose backer levels from $5, a pledge of support, up to the $500 legacy level with rewards from every previous level plus the backer’s name in the book. 7.  What if the project isn’t successful? Backers are charged nothing if the goal is not met, so you can end the project, relaunch another KS campaign at a later date, or find a way to fund the project yourself with a loan or investor. Either way, honor any contracts. A KS project is essentially a market test to determine the demand for your book. If you can’t sell it on KS then you may need to rethink your book and make it better. Be transparent in your campaign with clear updates for backers so they understand if there is any delay. A great way to learn about Kickstarter is to back a project. For as little as $5 you can support Kristy’s Quilt from February 14, 2014 to March 14, 2014. Visit and search Kristy’s Quilt. Or simply go to: My KS manager? Heidi Berthiaume. Look for her new book The Kickstarter Companion Answers to Questions You Didn’t Know You Had launching on KS this March.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Country analysis ( Singapore) Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Country analysis ( Singapore) - Research Paper Example Nevertheless, the country is criticized for running a system that churns out punishments for acts perceived to be anti-social; however, the country’s use of capital punishment that is applied mainly for drug trafficking offences hailed for stopping the growth of narcotics syndicates. A. Introduction to Country Analysis Singapore uses Singaporean Dollar (SGD) and has a total area of about 714 sq km. According to Singapore Department of Statistics, the 2009 population estimates stood at 5.18million (comprising of 3.26 citizens 0.53 million permanent residents 1.39million other foreign residents) with the population density revolving around 6671.7 sq km. Singapore government represents republic and parliamentary democracy with the official Singaporean languages include Mandarin, English, Malay, and Tamil. The major religions in Singapore include Buddhism (33%), Christian (11%), Taoism (11%), Catholicism (7%), Islam (15%), Hinduism (5%), other religions 1%, and no religion at17% ( Jancloes-Schneider, 2012). Chinese make up the bulk of Singapore population (more than 75%) while Malays (13%) and Indians (9%) make up the rest. Singapore has also a significant composition of foreign workers. This diversity has translated into a distinct mix of religions, languages, cuisines, and cultural traditions. The successful integration of these elements has fashioned stable, accommodative relations depicted by mutual respect and that promotes social cohesion (World Trade Organization, 2000). Although Singapore is predominantly a multi-party nation, the People’s Action Party has dominated the political scene since independence from Malaysia in 1965. Singapore’s vibrant economy remains largely propelled by financial services and electronics industry (Parker, 2012). B. Economic Indicators Singapore possesses a developed market-based economy that has historically centered on extended entrepot trade. Singapore GDP (constant prices, National Currency) in 2010 stood at SGD 284.561 billion (and US $238.2 billion in 2011) while GDP (current prices, US dollars) in 2010 stood at US $222.699 billion. As per 2010, Singapore GDP growth ranged around 14.471% while GDP (PPP) in 2010 stood at US $291.937 billion (GDP PPP was US $327.557 billion in 2011) (Healy Consultants,2012). Singapore’s GDP per capita (constant prices, National currency) in 2010 stood at SGD 55, 093.67 while GDP per capita (current prices, National currency) in 2010 stood at SGD 58,790. 97. In 2011, the GDP per capita stood at SGD 63,050, which amounted to US $50,123 (Jancloes-Schneider, 2012). The inflation rate in 2010 stood at 2.823% while, in 2011, the inflation rate stood at 5.2% and is estimated to be 3.5% in 2012. Unemployment rate in Singapore decreased to about 1.9% within the third quarter of 2012 right from 2% registered in the 2nd quarter of 2012. In 2011, Singapore enjoyed an annual growth of around 5.2% with the benchmark interest rate last recorded by the Monet ary Authority of Singapore standing at 0.1%. After an outstanding rebound in 2010, the Singapore economy slowed down a bit in 2011 owing to tighter economic policies and the slowdown witnessed in international trade (Jancloes-Schneider, 2012). C. Main exports and Imports Singapore’s geostrategic location, plus its developed port facilities means that a significant volume of Singapore’s merchandise exports involves entrepot trade with close to 47% of exports comprising of re-exports. The total value of exports in Singapore in 2010 stood at

Live Theatrical Professional Performance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Live Theatrical Professional Performance - Essay Example That too at a podium designed for all; young, old, abled or a little less of it! I visited the festival on the 15th of July, the very first day of the performance when the actors are all totally charged to leave no stone unturned for their first act on the stage. I went a little before time to enjoy the ambience of the festival. . The park with its slides and the fountain at the pillar in the centre of the lawn was quite inviting. You see kiddos running around with faces painted of flowers and butterflies, the hustle bustle at the stage of the last minute setting of properties and checking lights and sound. The pillar with the four faces of the laughing beast facing each direction only went on to call One and All further. Hamlet is one of Shakespeare’s popular works, is also his longest play with its innumerous soliloquies as also one of his most influential tragedies in English literature. Hamlet was presented by Globe Players, now in its sixth year. What we saw on stage, was the cumulative effort of six weeks of intensive training program. All of 15-18 in age, these teenagers assumed such seasoned roles with grit and an endearing innocence. Kentucky Shakespeare Festival veteran Matt Wallace directed the play having to his tune Patrick Zakem playing the title role of Hamlet, Christina Sauer as his mother Gertrude, Collin Sage as the vicious Uncle Claudius, Courtney Hardesty as the vulnerable Ophelia, Collin Jones as Polonious, Mitchell Martin as the faithful friend Horatio, and Ryan Burch as the misled brother and son Laertes. Many in the audience must have been first timers for Shakespeare. The intensive Victorian language that he employs is considered too cerebral. Add to it the plot of Hamlet is grim with a son’s suspicion of whether his Uncle killed his father, a fact told to him by a ghost! However that’s where this evening

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Ethics in organizoations 2 Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Ethics in organizoations 2 - Article Example In addition, an appropriate action plan will be designed for eliminating all the issues concerning the organization. Review of the Issues Based on the facts provided, it has been observed that the company was facing certain gaps that resulted in varied amount of discrepancies in the organization. Based on the interactions with the employees, it has been studied the employees were biased and even discriminated on many different occasions. The employees belonging from multi cultural background had to face the maximum level of discrimination. Also, people belonging from the minority groups were facing the problem of biasness and discrimination within the workplace. Beyond these instances, the workplace culture was also getting deteriorated because of numerous amounts of cases of harassment that were coming out. Employees were getting harassed at almost every level by their peers and the senior management. Based on the prevailing workplace scenario, it was observed that the overall workp lace culture was in a degradation mode. Top Three Messages to the Senior Management Team Based on the graveness of the identified issues, it has been comprehended that these issues lays an immense impact over the internal business scenario to a greater extent. From the above scenario, it is felt that the organization was facing problems pertaining to cultural diversity to a large extent. Organizational harassment contributes towards harmful effects such as grievances of the employees increases, grudges emerge against peers and groups arises within the team members, which ultimately affects the overall development of the organization (Royal College of Nursing, n.d.). Correspondingly, individual biasness within an organization greatly influences the performance standard of the business and its employees. Furthermore, biasness within the organization also create hurdle in the effective decision making process (Kauffman & Diamond, 1989). Perception associated with discrimination within the organization leads to work conflict and accelerated retention rate, which drastically affects the overall development of the business scenario (Ensher, Grant-Vallone & Donaldson, 2001). On the part of the organization it is likely to remember that with an employee of number 300, it might become difficult for the organization to maintain sustainability. Action Plan for Curbing the Issues Based on the analysis of the prevailing issues in the organization, it is clear that the organization facing serious issues in the workplace. Some of the recommendable action plan strategies that can be implemented are as follows: Implementation of a proper training program for spreading the importance of awareness for the workplace diversity Engaging the employees in the training program to provide them with ample knowledge, which will accelerate their performance level Addressing all the issues faced by the organization on immediate grounds and mitigating the grievances of the employees effecti vely Preparation of feedback reports from the employees regarding any underlying issues prevailing within the organization and the implication of the measures provided to them by the management Analyzing the responses of the employees pertaining to measures undertaken by the senior level management Creation of rules and regulations pertaining to avoidance of illicit practices in the organization (Maltbia & Power, 2008) Reinforcement of additional rules and regulat

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Applying Systems Thinking to a Public Health Issue Essay

Applying Systems Thinking to a Public Health Issue - Essay Example Communicable disease control and prevention comprises quarantine and isolation, preventive measures, immunization, early interventions, which include public health education, antimicrobial treatment, and other measures. Effective efforts in the control, and prevention of communicable diseases rely on the understanding of the agent causing the disease within the population. This includes the reservoirs, the characteristics, the method of departure of the agent from the sources, the transmission mode of the agent, the method of entry of the agent into the host and the vulnerability of the host to the agent. The use of systems thinking in this program would assist in breaking down barriers between different departments by providing effective ways of solving problems. In order to solve problems effectively, it is critical to identify the real cause of the problem along with the means of solving this problem. Systems thinking emphasizes on the need to focus on the large picture or the systems and structures that cause the occurrence of the problem rather than the behaviors and events related to the problem (Scott, 2006, p.404). This approach of systems thinking ensures effective solving of problems. Systems’ thinking also supports effective communication between the departments thereby integrating the roles between these departments and improves the functionality of the whole organization. It is also imperative that systems thinking provide a more effective leadership platform within the organization as well as the different departments. Effective leadership implies that authority within the organization and in extension; the different departments within the organization are well defined. This helps in providing directions to the individuals within departments and setting out clear departmental rules. Moreover, systems thinking support a more effective planning process that provides

Sunday, November 17, 2019

What is Philosophy Philosophical Issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

What is Philosophy Philosophical Issues - Essay Example Many times it has been the case that those who study and practice philosophy tend to focus too much on the subject of the logos and telos, while overlooking the value of ethos. Ethical issues are always constant, and it is a pressing matter in life than trying to figure the existence of reality. 2.) Which of the philosophical issues covered this semester has meant anything to you personally and why so?   The issue of Ethics still has a more personal value among the other philosophical issues covered this semester. The reason behind this is that knowing how to live and maintain conduct in daily activities has a greater relevance to life than trying to understand the nature of existence or the origin of knowledge. When one walks into a public square or market these days, it is not like people will be easily fascinated or even interested to know anything about Metaphysics or Epistemology. People in general do not take seriously the question of what reality is or the purpose of existence. People in general would prefer and pay more attention with how they deal with various activities and problems throughout daily living. The choice of ethics then is a pragmatic choice, as much as it is a personal preference. 3.) Why do you think that the philosophical issues this course has co vered have been issues and have remained issues for so long?   Philosophical issues started because of humanity’s wonder for existence, the meaning of life, and the proof of reality. It is to no surprise that when the first philosophers began theorizing and speculating these different issues, it was a curious and inquisitive sense led by the motivation and desire to know more that drove these men of intellect to study even further about what are the things that really matter, how things happened, or why things are done. Eventually, philosophy helped bring about the study of different specialized fields of learning and knowledge, such as the life sciences and physical sciences. Despite all this, philosophical issues have remained as issues throughout the years due to the very reason why it started. The desire to know more and keeping an innate sense of curious wonder are the reasons why philosophical issues have never been fully settled and concluded. Humanity will never gro w idle or contented with what they have learned and find, and will always want to know if there is more out there in this life and reality. Humanity’s insatiable desire for knowledge is boundless as much as its capacity to reason out intellectually. The only limitations that cannot be avoided are the fact of mortality and the further need in technological advancement. 4.) Why do you think these issues have been associated with Philosophy and not some other discipline?   The issues have been associated with philosophy because philosophy is the root study of all the other various knowledge disciplines. All of the various fields of study have its origins and influences from philosophy. These various disciplines, however, focus more on their specific area of study that it loses its sight on philosophical issues. Philosophy, on the other hand, branches out in understanding the various perspectives of knowledge while trying to maintain its philosophical nature. This philosophical nature is to see things through the light of rationality, and that to understand the nature of things requires a mind to be more open to things. 5.) Why is it that most of these issues have not been evident as issues in our

Global economic development Essay Example for Free

Global economic development Essay Evaluation of Gwlad’s position within the global economic environment Swot analysis (Hewings, 1995) Strengths – Gwlad as a country should focus on its administrative strength in the public sector. This would allow the country to delivery better services to the public in terms of quick processing of documentary and information needed by the citizens. Secondly, the country has seems to be one of the states in Western Europe which has highest number of population with diverse cultural activities. The Gwlad country’s population diverse cultural work attracts a number of tourists. Weakness- the country offers low level services. It also shows that it has low manufacturing productions. In the overall results, the country has not developed to high production scale hence there is relatively low gross domestic productivity per head. Threats-the fact that the country has no ties with the other neighboring countries is vulnerable to incur high import and exports taxes. Other threats that may exits are those associated with shortages of vital good which are not produced locally. Opportunities- the country being in the region of Western Europe is most likely to be having advanced technology. This means that the wealthy in technology based activity can be worked to increase both the level of manufacturing as well as GDP per head within the country. Suggested policies to follow (Trogen, 1999) Technological policy- the group needs to utilize this policy in curbing the problem associated with the low productivity. In such a policy, the teams must emphasis both on innovation and invention work. Still many efforts should seek technical assistance from part of the globe where possible. Competition policy- in every kind of economic growth of region, amicable environment which allows competition is a must for spurring economic growth and development. This means that the local competition environment should be bestowed to all potential citizens in every particular sector of production. Apart from the local competitors, the policy should encompass other issues that would allow the external competition as part of initiating news ways of economic growth. activity2: yes! The issues that Dai has identified part of the main issues to look when deciding, marketing of Gwlad. It is clear that Dai has taken location, distance and labor as the main factors to consider in this marketing strategy. However, it should be known that security and resources available within the country plays important role in economic developments. Furthermore, the means of communicating available and the accessibility of they location goes hand in hand in determining the attraction external investors to come and invest in a particulars region. Overall, it would be very important to first consider the costs involved in the marketing of the Gwlad to the external world. While business activities are diverse, they entail a lot of interwoven interaction of many sectors. Any decision made within the government directly and indirectly affects the performance of the business. This form the fundamental issues as the governance procedure are final on business prosperity or failure. Hence, incentives and subsidiaries that are offered by the government in Gwlad perhaps would make the citizens and the foreigners’ interest to invest much aroused. Politics and policies enacted in the Gwlad also have enormous impact to business. Services and the rate at which they are available to interested business operators are also major part of marketing the state. This is because delay and bureaucracies in service and information acquisition are both derailing factors in business operations. Activity 3- (Meier, 2004): (I)-no! I do not agree that technological advances are the only key factors to economic development. There are other issues which are also of great importance. This is because economic development focuses on three or more area in its development. One of the focuses is the government policies. In such a field, economist examines issues which are concerned with price stabilities, employment and taxation as well as the policies set to have sustainable growth. as the economic development protocols are integrations of several factors, government operates on many areas which are directly in connection with economic development such monetary policies, trade transaction and taxation policies together with regulation pertaining to financial institutions. The second major area determining the economic development of a place or region is the manner in which policies dealing with services and infrastructures are set. These include highways, housing, security and still parks. Thirdly and the final section in which economic developments is determined is directed to policies of job creation, retention and expansion, technology transfers and marketing as well as neighborhood development. In such consideration, it is vivid that the economic development is not achieved only through technology advancement. Certain factors are physical factors which are needed for the operations of certain economical activities. Other factors are human based availabilities like policy making that affects the economic growth of an area. For instance, trade restriction may be major factor contributing to low rates of economic developments due to lack of competitive environments. Abolition o such trade restrictions create a better environment for potential foreign investors. Financial factors have been seen as prominent factors that enable economic developments as can be revealed in most developing and underdeveloped countries. Their economics developed rates are not associated with inadequate funding for projects based on economic development and projects on research work which brings about technical advances. Thus, human policy factors, financial status factors and technical factors are all attribute to economic development As from the above revelation, I do not agree the three sectors are the core that economic policy should concentrate in. Energy; environmental, telecommunication and ICT are not the core that can bring economic growth in a country without integrating changes in governance. Management of any organization/ institutions is vital. Thus the inclusion of effective management and services delivery would enhance proper utilization of the resources available in the three sectors which would lead to economic growth. Activity4-(Isard, 1985): analysis of inward investment attraction, domestic company development and combination strategies Inward investment Strengths- depending on the financial ability of the surrounding neighbor countries, this form one of the greatest strong hold in which the foreigners can capitalized in. this means that they would be able to provided financial services and their products. Weakness- the fact that the country has got no ties in trade transactions such as free trades areas with the neighboring states, many inwards investments are likely to be heavily taxed and barred in their operations. Generally, unfair treatment to the inward investors is likely to cause low rate of investment. Opportunities- the fact that most neighbors have advanced technology and also they are able to having greater GDP than the Gwlad, it means that the inwards investment would be able to replicate similar productivity phenomenon making trading a competitive issue in the country. This means that the inward investors would enjoy the advantages of large scale production (Pleeter,1990) Threats- following the inwards investors interacting with the locals, there is that possible of technology transfer which the local would gain an advantage of learning the new techniques and therefore begin producing local products that would halt the utilization of the investors’s products Domestic company development: strength- the country seems to be lagging behind in all the areas. This implies it has very limited strengths on which it can take an advantage over its neighbors. (Peterson, 2001) Weakness- the country is portrayed to lag behind in general productivity which implies that their is low trade activities in the regions Opportunities- the country having a score of learned individuals within its boundaries can be utilized both in the management level to bring technology to its required standards enhancing production which is a core to level of trade activities in country. Threats- the domestic company development are likely to be threaten when the country goes to inwards investment. The inward investors being more competitive than the domestic companies would render the local companies uncompetitive in terms of quality of products, price and in marketing strategies. For the above consideration of the analysis, I would choose the combined strategy the main reason for choosing this particular mode is because, with proper policy formulation and enactment for both internal and external investor companies, there are high chances of mutual benefits. Technology advancement, financial investment availability leading to higher production of the products would enhance the general growth of the economy of the country. Activity 5:- (Bulmer-Thomas, 1992, Leistritz, 1991): the GDEAD’s members are supposed to come up with policies which would enable low cost in the supply chains. These policies includes:- The policy of strategic vision and concrete actions in cooperating in the supply of the material and the distribution of the products to all parts on the country Reduction of taxes in the products produced locally the investors Development of local infrastructures that will enhance logistics from one area to another Recruitment and training of human resources to enable smooth distribution of the products Policies to enable persuasion of U. S multinationals in financing, marketing and RD in Gwlad The GDEAD must come with policy that allows globalization of market in Gwlad The team should use merger systems of the a few industries so that they begin venturing in to the same market in which the multinationals are operating to break monopoly of the U. S automotive companies. The team should advocate for new methods of technology in information and communication to enhance global advertising both from local and multinational companies. Activity 6:- (Dewhurst, 1991) Pros of the EU are that the EU members have several methods in which its negotiations and terms are based. First, the EU group has strong negotiating power than any other union. This means that the pooling together of efforts in the negotiating process makes the members to have great influence in international trade. Its members are said to be first in the leading in foreign direct investment. The united stated are depicted as the second while they remain the first for foreign investment. While the EU operations are undertaken within the 130 countries, it commands a relative open economy that accounts over 14% of the international trade of its gross domestic products. In comparison with the United States gross domestic products, it commands of 12%. It implies that the EU association with the Gwlads is of more advantageous than joining any other of the above state. (Bull, 1995) I would make arrangements of integration type in joining EU for the Gwlad. This because the EU integration would protect the local first and then from the integration the other collaborating states would have an influence in Gwlad in political, security, technology and other areas in which economic issues are connected. He Gwlad would be changed in its institutions through the established rules and regulations of the EU integration that sets the culture and philosophical basis of government as well as other authoritative bodies which could change economic Institutions. However, free trade would definitely bring in unfair competitions to the locals industries and communities leading to the poorly performing ones. (Dewhurst, 1991) Activity7:- (Grady, 1989) The clusters economic development established in this region is not of best nature. Locating an economic zone far 100km from each other is like creation of monopoly of the various institutions established. Secondly, the interaction of the various institutions when they are far from one and yet they are no quicker means of communication implies less information transfers/ ineffectiveness or delay actions would be frequent. This implies especial in the health, bioscience, financial services/ products and professional services. Similar disadvantages would exist in creative, automotive and aerospace zone. However, the distance would be of advantage to automotive and aerospace in advancing the technological world as this would be determined by increased needs to travel from one zone to another. In organizing the above sectors, I will use different policy as they all differ in the application of creating and reduction economic growth. While the bioscience and the health sectors are there for the purpose of ensuring fitness of the community, the automotives and aerospace are established for saving time in production. Thus health and bioscience would policies towards health facilities and proper nutrition while the latter two would venture policy on technology of speedy safer means. Activity8:- (Grady, 1989, Brace, 1993) Costs and benefits of meeting the demands of the aerospace industry The costs of the meeting the demands of the aerospace industry involves the productions costs. This would require importation of new materials for the manufacture of the aerospace device. Second is the maintenance cost, which will be cut through the use of the correct quality materials. Thirdly is the training cost which will be an essence in having potential skilled human resources and engineers who work on the technological manufacture of the aero plane as well As maintaining them. Finally, the country would have to invest in R D that would enhance development of modern aerospace using the most advanced technologies than any other competing companies Suggested policy to GDEAD: (Hunter, 1999, Walsh, 1996) The GDEAD should come u p with a policy for which given the current financial situation, it would be able to meet the same demands, but through institution establishment and collaboration with the industry, it would support them in the research work. Reference: Brace, P. (1993). State government and economic performance: Johns Bull, A. (1995): The economics of travel and tourism: Longman. Bulmer-Thomas, V. (1992): Input-output analysis in developing countries: Wiley Dewhurst, J. (1991): Regional input-output modeling / new development and interpretation: Avebury Grady, D. (1989): Governors and economic development policy: vol. 17, pp 870-84 Hewings, G. (1995): Regional input-output analysis, Beverly Hills: Sage Publications Hopkins University Press Hunter, K. (1999): Interest groups and state economic development policies: Praeger Publishers Isard, W. (1985): Introduction to regional science: Prentice Hall. Leistritz, F. (1991): The socioeconomic impact of resource development: Westview Press. Meier, G. (2004): Leading issues in economic development. Oxford Peterson, W. (2001): technology, planning, and Development: Oxford University Press. Pleeter, Saul (1990). Economic impact analysis: Boston: Maritinus Nijhoff Publishing Trogen, P. (1999): Which economic development policies work: retrieved from http:// University Press Walsh, R. (1996): Recreation economic decisions: Venture Publishing, Inc www. spaef. com, on 1st December 2008

Friday, November 15, 2019

Complication In Grand Multi Parity

Complication In Grand Multi Parity Grand multi parity is the condition of giving birth after the 28th weeks of gestation, following 5 or more previous viable babies. Grand multiparae is relation to obstetric performance is labeled high risk. High risk pregnancy is define as one in which the mother, fetus or newborn will be at increased risk of morbidity or mortality at or after birth. The risk to the mother and child is relatively high in first pregnancy and then this risk decline during second, third and then slowly rises with increasing parity by the sixth pregnancy risks exceeds these of 1st and after that rises steeply with each pregnancy1. Grand multiparous have been considered to be at higher risk of developing antenatal complications. These complications include gestational diabetes, hypertension, anemia, placental abruption, placenta previa, preterm labour, mal-presentation, mal-position, fetopelvic disproportion and intra-partum complication, uterine intertia, dysfunctional labour, uterine rupture, intrauterine death, marosomia and subsequent operative delivery with its consequent risk of maternal mortality and morbidity2,3. Postpartum haemorrhage also more common in grand multipara. Munim noted in her study PPH was three times more common in grand multipara4. Grand multiparity reported to increased both maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality5,6. It is generally accepted that GMP is risk factor of obstetric complication but recently a few reports have appeared in the literature showing that this might be fiction rather than fact. Toohey et al, Fayed et al, and Kaplan et al, addressed the obstetric performance of great grand multipara but they concoluded that such women were not a high risk group7,8,9. Brunner et al, in 1992 concluded that grand multi parity should be regarded as an obstetric risk factor, mainly because of the higher frequency of placental complication and with good obstetric care there should be no advice affects to the mother or newborn10. The incidence of grand multipara has decreased in most western countries in recent years due to better socioeconomic status and high use of contraception11,12,13. In third world countries like Pakistan the large families are still common. Grand multi parity is a common problem in this part of world and when added to low socioeconomic status, it significantly increases the risk to mother and fetus8,14,15. OBJECTIVES The objective of our study were To compare obstetrical complications between grand multiparae and low parity women. To study the frequency of maternal and perinatal mortality associated with complications of grand multi parity. OPERATIONAL DEFINITION GRAND MULTIPARAE: Grand multiparae is woman who has delivered five or more babies after 28 weeks, weighing more than 500 grams. LOW MULTIPARAE: Low multiparae is woman who has delivered less than five (para 1-4). HYPOTHESIS: Obstetrical complication are more in grand multiparae than the low parity women. MATERIAL AND METHODS SETTINGS: This study was conducted in Obstetric / Gynaecology Unit-I, Civil Hospital, Karachi and Sheikh Zaid Women Hospital Larkana. DURATION OF STUDY: One year from 1st July 2008 to 31st March 2009 at Civil Hospital Karachi and 1st April 2009 to 30th June 2009 at Sheikh Zaid Women Hospital Larkana. SAMPLE SIZE: A total of 200 pregnant women were selected randomly, were divided into two groups with 100 women in each group. Group I consistent of women with parity five or more, and group II consisting of women with parity one to four. SAMPLING TECHNIQUE: Probability. SAMPLE SELECTION: Sample selection was done according to the following inclusion and exclusion. INCLUSION CRITERIA: All pregnant multiparous women. EXCLUSION CRITERIA: Primigravida. STUDY DESIGN: Comparative, cross sectional DATA COLLECTION PROCEDURE: A 200 women were admitted in our ward through out patient department or emergency, or referred by private clinics or traditional birth attendants were selected. These cases were divided into two groups. Group I consistent of 100 women of parity five or more and group II consistent of 100 women were admitted during the same period with parity one to four. On admission patients history was taken in detail. Age, parity, socioeconomic status, detailed obstetrical history, past history were recorded and previous record was received to detect antenatal complication including anaemia, PIH, APH, and malpresentation , pre-term labour. Anemia was taken as haemoglobin of 11 g/dl, PIH was defined as blood pressure of > 140/90 millimeter mercury after 20 weeks of gestation with or without protenuria on two or more occasion 6 hours apart. Bleeding from genital tract after 24 weeks gestation was taken as APH. Ultrasonography was done in non-booked cases when there was suspicious of malpresentation which was defined as presenting part of fetus in other than cephalic in relation to maternal pelvis. Preterm labour was defined as labour before 37 complete weeks gestation. During labour patients were managed according to units protocol and partogram recording was used to evaluate the progress of labour. The intrapartum complications included prolonged labour and ruptured uterus. Mode of delivery was also recorded. After delivery, the patients were monitor for 24 hours for primary PPH which was taken as blood loss estimated to be more than 500ml after normal vaginal delivery and 1000ml after caesarean section. The maternal death if any was recorded with its cause in detail. Neonates were followed for neonatal complication which included, LBW, macrosomia, perinatal death. Birth weight of < 2.5 kg was taken as LBW and > 4.2 was taken as macrosomic babies. Admission to NICU. Perinatal deaths (PND) included all intrauterine death (IUD) and early neonatal deaths (ENNDs). Data was collected through special proforma, neonatal follow up recorded was also entered in the same proforma. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS: Data analysis was performed through SPSS version-10.0. Frequencies and percentages were computed for presentation of all categorical variables of the study including age, booking status, mode of delivery, pregnancy related complications, intrapartum and postpartum complications, maternal and fetal mortality, and birth weight. Chi-square test was applied to compare age, booking status, mode of delivery, pregnancy related complications, intrapartum and postpartum complications and birth weight between low parity and high parity groups. Fishers exact test was applied to compare maternal and fetal mortality and nursery care admissions between low parity and high parity groups due to typically low expected count (< 5). Statistical significance was taken at p < 0.05. RESULTS Commonest age group in both study groups was 20 25 years in which total 76 patients were observed, however this age group was significantly higher (46% vs. 30%, p=0.001) in low parity group that high parity group while older age group of the study 36 40 years was higher in high parity group than low parity group (4% vs. 15%). So the age distribution was significantly different in two groups (Table-1). Most of the patients in my study were unbooked, i.e. 131 % (Table-2). Booking status between two groups was statistically insignificant (p=0.344). Anemia was significantly higher in high parity group than low parity group (89% vs. 62%, P = 0.001); while abruptio placentae, PIH and malpresentations were significantly higher in high parity group than low parity group (p < 0.01). Placentae previa, preterm labour and twin pregnancy were insignificant between two groups (Table-3). Out of 200 women in this study, 21 (10.5%) underwent caesarean section and 179 (89.5%) normal vaginally delivered (Figure-1). In high parity group, proportion of women who underwent caesarean section was significantly higher in high parity group than low parity group (16% vs. 5%, p=0.011). Intrapartum and postpartum complications found insignificant between two groups at p < 0.05 (Table-4). No maternal death was observed in low parity group but one (1%) maternal mortality was observed in high parity group, however difference of maternal mortality rate was insignificant (p = 0.999) between two groups (Figure-2). Significantly high number of fetal mortalities was observed in high parity group than low parity group (16% vs. 4%, P = 0.999) (Figure-3). We observed 8% NICU admissions in high parity group that was not statistically significant (p 0.213) as compared with 3% NICU admissions in low parity group (Figure-4). Table 1: AGE DISTRIBUTION (n = 200) Age (years) Group Total Low parity (n = 100) High parity (n = 100) 20 25 46* 30 76 26 30 40 29 64 31 35 10 26 36 36 40 4 15* 19 * Shows significant difference (X2 = 18.6, d.f = 3, p = 0.001) Low parity: Parity 2-4, High parity: Parity > 4 Table 2: COMPARISON OF BOOKING STATUS (n = 100) Booking Group Total Low parity (n = 100) High parity (n = 100) Booked 32 23 55 Unbooked 62 69 131 Referred 6 8 14 * Significant difference (X2 = 2.13, d.f = 2, p = 0.344) Key: Booked = 3 or more antenatal visits. Unbooked = < 3 or no antenatal visits. Table 3: COMPARISON OF PREGNANCY RELATED COMPLICATIONS BETWEEN TWO GROUPS (n = 100) Complications Group p-value Low parity (n = 100) High parity (n = 100) Anemia 62 89 0.001 Placentae Previa 5 7 0.55 Abruptio placentae 2 11* 0.018 Preterm labour 5 6 0.760 Pregnancy induced hypertension 4 14* 0.024 Malpresentation 2 15* 0.001 Twin pregnancy 2 4 0.68 * Shows statistically significant difference at p < 0.05. Figure-1: COMPARISON OF MODE OF DELIVERY BETWEEN TWO GROUPS * Significant difference (X2 = 6.44, d.f = 1, p = 0.011) Table 4: COMPARISON OF INTRAPARTUM AND POSTPARTUM COMPLICATIONS BETWEEN TWO GROUPS Complications Group p-value Low parity (n = 100) High parity (n = 100) Obstructed labour 3 4 0.70 Ruptured uterus 1 1 Retained placentae 0 2 0.50 Postpartum hemorrhage 2 4 0.68 * Shows statistically significant difference at p < 0.05 Low parity: Parity 2-4 High party: Parity > 4 Figure-2: COMPARISON OF MATERNAL OUTCOME BETWEEN TWO GROUPS * Significant difference (p = 0.999) Figure-3: COMPARISON OF FETAL OUTCOME BETWEEN TWO GROUPS * Significant difference (Fishers exact test, p = 0.005) Figure-4: COMPARISON OF NURSERY ADMISSION BETWEEN TWO GROUPS (n1 = n2 = 100) * Significant difference (Fishers exact test, p = 0.213). Low parity: Parity 2-4 High parity: Parity > 4 NICU = Neonatal intensive care unit DISCUSSION This comparative, cohort study was conducted in largest hospital of Karachi to find out whether grand multi parity is risk factor for obstetrical complication when compare to low parity. Despite of availability of modern obstetric facilities, women in our society not intend to get book for antenatal care because they are too busy at their home and lack of awareness about health care, We found in our study that most of the patients in both groups coming in Civil Hospital, Karachi were non-booked and referred from different areas with complications. Unbooked 13% and 14% referred from different areas. In our study the grand multipara were older then low parity women. Increased age of GMP women put them additional risk for complication. As our study was not age matched study. So, the age matched study should be done for the proper risk assessment. This study shows that antenatal complication such as anemia was more common in grand multiparae. A Salick, et all also found same result in th eir studies 16. Anemia is more common in grand multipare because of poor nutrition, repeated pregnancies, low socioeconomic status. Pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH) was more common in our study, these women were relatively older than low parity and my study was not age matched study. Munim S, et al., found in her study statistically significance difference in the induced of the PIH that was 15.4% in grand multipare compared to the 9.3% in low parity women 4. Although the patients in here study were booked patients, she reported that higher prevalence of these complications may be explained on the increased age of these women. In spite of increased incidence of PIH the superimposed pre-eclampsia and eclampsia was no more common in my study.4. Regarding the antepartum haemorrhage, abruptio placentae is more common in GMP. Although number of placenta previa was increased in grand multi parity than low parity but not statistically significant. Heija AA, also found in his study that abruptio placentae is more common in grand multipareae. He state that the high parity is significant etiological determinant of placental abruption 2. The malpresentation was more common in grand multipare especially breech was more common than the low parity. Malpresentation in grand multipara is common because increasing laxity of anterior abdominal wall musculature, failing to act as a brace to encourages and maintain a longitudinal lie, encourages malpresentation 17. Preterm labour was same in both groups. Aziz FA, studied the grand multipare Sudanese women and found the incidence of pre-term labour was increased in these women 18. The intra partum complication like obstructed labour result was same in both groups in both cases patients was referred and reason was abnormal fetal position. we found 1 case of Ruptured uterus in each group, both these are patient were referred from private hospital, both were older age, both were mismanaged with syntocynon but low parity woman was survive and grand multiparous woman was die. Our study showed no statistical difference in postpartum haemorrhage between both groups. Page L in her series of study has reported that same result. She found no direct association between grand multiparae and PPH.63 Some other studies have shown that increased risk of PPH is associated with increased age not with increasing parity. Munim et al, noted in her study PPH was three times more common in grand multiparae 4. Our study showed caesarean section is significantly increased in grand multipare than the low parity, this because of malpresentation and obstructed labour, antepartum haemorrhage. One maternal death found in my study this unfortunate woman belong to low socioeconomic class, had obstructed labor due to macrosomic baby and mismanaged with syntocinon referred in state of shock despite of emergency laparotomy, blood transfusion, and resuscitation she could not survive because she was already anemic had bleed a lot and die due to cardiac failure. As regard the neonatal outcome parity is considered as important factor in determining the birth weight of baby. Many investigators have reported association of LBW with grand multiparae. But in my study low birth weight was common in low parity as compare to grand multiparae. There was no significant increased incidence macrosomic babies in grand multiparae, compare with international literature. In our study perinatal mortality was significantly increased in grand multi parity it mainly because of abruptio placenta, PIH, obstructed labour and preterm birth. CONCLUSION It is concluded from my study that antenatal complications like pregnancy induced hypertension, abruptio placenta, anaemia, malpresentation, Caesarean deliveries and perinatal mortality were more common in grand multiparae then the low parity group and multi parity is still a major obstetric hazards in our set up with higher incidence of complications.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

English Lamott :: essays research papers

Paper #2   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Lamott’s statement about acceptance provides the writers with an understanding of being able to acknowledge who they are in the inside, as well an understanding how society views them on the outside. The experiences of Walker, Grealy, and Daum all relate strongly to Lamotts statement about surrendering to one’s situation. Walker, Grealy, and Daum all encountered uncomfortable situations, which in the end, all had to learn to live with and overcome their insecurities.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Alice Walker grew up as ordinary as any other child would; she was pretty little girl who enjoyed life to the fullest until the â€Å"accident†. â€Å"It was great being cute. But then, one day, it ended† (43). Alice was playing outside when all of a sudden she was shot in her eye from her brothers BB gun. It was an accident, but â€Å"Where the BB pellet struck there is a glob of whitish scar tissue, a hideous cataract, on my eye†¦now when I stare at people-they will stare back. Not at the â€Å"cute† little girl, but at her scar† (43). The accident made Alice conceal herself from the world and view it differently; it was as if she became introverted from society. She could no longer be outgoing and be who she thought she once was.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Alice was undergoing a change within her, but on the outside everyone said she did not change, the only thing that was different was her eye. After several years of her â€Å"glob† that was implanted in her eye she decide to see a doctor to have it removed. After the operation she felt more confident, but not anywhere to the best of her capabilities. She was interviewed and asked for a photo shoot for her book, but Alice thought about not taking the picture. She thought she would be criticized if she were not pictured in her book. â€Å"My meanest critics will say I’ve sold out† (46).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After many years of being afraid to show her face in public and interact with people, Alice finally had one dramatic day that turned the rest of her life upward and made her realize that her eye isn’t all that bad. Her daughter says, â€Å"Mommy there’s a world in your eye†(48). This comment made Alice feel astounded and she was basically able to overcome her uncomfortable situation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Lucy Grealy’s story also supports Lammot’s statement. Lucy was a young girl who had cancer in her jaw and had to receive Chemotherapy.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

marketing Essay -- essays research papers

Online Marketing Definition Online marketing has many different definitions. However, the most straight forward is â€Å"Any positive communication between distributor and purchaser through the digital area (Internet, forums, chat, e-mail, the web, etc.) Which provides for the exchange of requested or necessary information directed to a potential customer’s purchase and a continuing and profitable customer/seller relationship.† (Forester, 1999, p.3) This definition gives the main idea of why many businesses have joined the online marketing segment and why businesses are still joining. On the other hand, the simple definition of marketing is â€Å"the process of planning the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfies individual and organizational objectives.† (Berkowitz, 1992, p.67) These two definitions explain how the marketing has a notion that means that an organization aims all its efforts at satisfying its customers. This idea is a simple and very important. The online sector of a business should have a complete overview of this idea and should use it to sell its products. Although some business people still have a production orientation. These people do not have much interest in the customers’ needs; they think of products and how to make money fast. People like this act as thought they are stuck at the beginning of the production era, where there were shortages of most products (Schwartz, 1999, p.5).Online Marketing Definition Online marketing has many different definitions. However, the most straight forward is â€Å"Any positive communication between distributor and purchaser through the digital area (Internet, forums, chat, e-mail, the web, etc.) Which provides for the exchange of requested or necessary information directed to a potential customer’s purchase and a continuing and profitable customer/seller relationship.† (Forester, 1999, p.3) This definition gives the main idea of why many businesses have joined the online marketing segment and why businesses are still joining. On the other hand, the simple definition of marketing is â€Å"the process of planning the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfies individual and organizational objectives.† (Berkowitz, 1992, p.67) These two definitions explain how the marketing has a ... ...y store. The Gap also insures the safety, security, and privacy towards your registered information. Renaissance Cruises   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  With renaissance cruises, your credit card is safe. They guarantee it. They have a privacy statement, which guarantees that under no circumstances, will they reveal a customer’s confidential information to anybody. This cruise line has three different was to buy products. One way is to buy online. By buy online, renaissance offers varying discounts to the customers. Another way is to call their 1-800 number. The benefit of this is to talk to an actual representative. The last way is to e-mail them. They will respond within twenty-four hours.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  By analyzing these two businesses, we found that both had security issues controlled. They also had easy ways to buy the products. The layouts of their web pages were organized and very informative. It was easy to understand how to order thing and how they established customer’s trust. They make the web pages full of click trough’s, which make the reader more interested in the site. Overall, these businesses have the customers in mind when making their web pages.

America’s Love for Marijuana Essay

In this paper I will be analyzing the various aspects of American culture in terms of drug use and abuse particularly marijuana, such as legislation, the media’s relationship to drug use, drug use and advertising. I have chosen to discuss the time period spanning from 1950-2000. According to the research, marijuana is the most used drug in the U.S. besides tobacco. Marijuana gives people the feeling they like and want but when it is used too much they have to use more of it to get the high in which they desire. It affects your brain by making the THC disrupt the nerve cells in the part of the brain where memories are formed. This makes it harder for the user to recall events and makes it harder to learn. Marijuana is addictive to some people. About 100,000 people seek treatment for marijuana use each year. Marijuana is usually smoked as a cigarette (called a joint or a nail) or in a pipe or a bong. Teens are the reason that drugs are a problem in the U.S. about one in six 10th graders report that they are current marijuana users. Fewer than one in five high school seniors are current users. Some people who use this drug feel nothing but some feel relaxed and high. After smoking it users may get a sudden quenching for a drink and get very hungry. This is called the munchies. Short Term effects of marijuana include memory problems and learning problems, distorted perception, trouble when thinking and problem solving, loss of coordination, increased heart rate, anxiety, and panic attacks. THC can damage cell tissues in you immune system causing users to be more open to diseases. To be able to tell if someone is high they may be dizzy and have trouble walking, be silly and giggly for no reason, bloodshot eyes and have a hard time remembering things. These effects usually end in a few hours and the user gets very sleepy. According to a survey published in  2009 by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), there were 16.7 million Americans (or 6.6%) who used Marijuana in the past month. 7. The speed at which Marijuana leaves your body depends on several factors including the speed of your metabolism, the potency of the THC, and the amount of Marijuana you smoke. Most commonly, traces of Marijuana can stay in your saliva for up to 3 days, urine for up to 30 days, and your hair for up to 90 days. There are over 200 slang terms for Marijuana in the popular vernacular. Some of more popular names include: Pot, herb, weed, grass, widow, boom, ganja, hash, Mary Jane, Cannabis, bubble gum, northern lights, fruity juice, gangster, skunk and chronic. Marijuana can impair driving motor skills. The drug significantly affects judgment and concentration. It also affects perception and slower eye adjustment to change in light. MAJOR EVENTS AND REFORMS REGARDING DRUG POLICIES 1950-2000 July 18, 1956 – Narcotics Control Act of 1956: The acts made a first time cannabis possession offense a minimum of two to ten years with a fine up to $20,000; however, in 1970, the United States Congress repealed mandatory penalties for cannabis offenses. 1961 – Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs: The principal objectives of the Convention are to limit the possession, use, trade in, distribution, import, export, manufacture and production of drugs exclusively to medical and scientific purposes and to address drug trafficking through international cooperation to deter and discourage drug traffickers. 1968 – Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs formed (BNDD): The BNDD was a predecessor agency of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). It was formed as a subsidiary of the United States Department of Justice, combining the Bureau of Narcotics (from the United States Department of the Treasury) and Bureau of Drug Abuse Control (from the United States Department of Health, Education, and Welfare’s Food and Drug Administration) into one agency. By 1971 the BNDD was composed of 1,500 agents and had a budget of some $43 million (which was more than fourteen times the size of the budget of the former Bureau of Narcotics) 1970 – Controlled Substances Act: Law enacted that regulates the prescribing and dispensing of psychoactive drugs, including stimulants, depressants, and hallucinogens. The act lists five categories of restricted drugs, organized  by their medical acceptance, abuse potential, and ability to produce dependence. The law classified cannabis as having high potential for abuse, no medical use, and not safe to use under medical supervision. 1973 – Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is formed: The DEA is tasked with combating drug smuggling and use within the U.S. Not only is the DEA the lead agency for domestic enforcement of the drug policy of the United States (sharing concurrent jurisdiction with the Federal Bureau of Investigation), it also has sole responsibility for coordinating and pursuing U.S. drug investigations abroad. November 5, 1996 – California Proposition 215, also known as the Compassionate Use Act of 1996, was passed. Act in California legalized the medicinal use of marijuana. May 14, 2001 – United States v. Oakland Cannabis Buyers’ Coop: United States Supreme Court ruled that federal anti-drug laws do not permit an exception for medical cannabis and rejected the common-law medical necessity defense to crimes enacted under the Controlled Substances Act because Congress concluded cannabis has â€Å"no currently accepted medical use† when the act was passed in 1970. 2005 – Gonzales v. Raich (previously Ashcroft v. Raich), 545 U.S. 1: United States Supreme Court ruled that the Commerce Clause of the United States Constitution allowed the federal government to ban the use of cannabis, including medical use. The court found the federal law valid, although the cannabis in question had been grown and consumed within a single state, and had never entered interstate commerce. Congress may ban the use of cannabis even where states approve its use for medicinal purposes. MARIJUANA AS MEDIA’S DARLING The Chicago City Council approved a measure on Wednesday that would allow police officers to ticket people found with small amounts of marijuana instead of arresting them. Members voted 43 to 3 in favor of the ordinance, under which anyone possessing 15 grams of marijuana faces a fine of $250 to $500. Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy support the measure, and a marked jump in Chicago’s homicide rate this year may have given the proposal more steam. Several aldermen said the new law would allow the police to spend more time on street patrols and less on processing people for the minor offense of possessing small amounts of marijuana. Alderman Danny Solis, who sponsored the measure, estimated the city would  receive $7 million a year in revenue. Commissioner Raymond Kelly of the New York Police Department issued a memorandum in September ordering officers to follow a 1977 state law that bars them from arresting people with small amounts of marijuana, unless the drug is publicly displayed. Yet a lawsuit filed in state court in late June charges that the police were still arresting people illegally in clear violation of both the law and the memo as recently as May. State data show that the number of marijuana arrests declined in the months after the directive was issued but began climbing again this spring. The Legislature passed the 1977 decriminalization law to allow prosecutors to focus on serious crime and to stop police from jailing young people for tiny amounts of marijuana. It made possession of 25 grams or less of marijuana a violation punishable by a $100 fine for the first offense. To discourage public smoking of the drug, lawmakers made public display a misdemeanor punishable by up to three months in jail and a $500 fine. The number of arrests in the city for minor possession declined after the law was passed but shot up from less than 1,000 in 1990 to 50,000 in 2011. And, of the nearly 12,000 16-to-19-year-olds arrested last year, almost 94 percent had no prior convictions and nearly half had never before been arrested. More than 80 percent of those arrested were black and Hispanic young people. EXPENSIVE DRUG WAR â€Å"LET’S LEGALIZE MARIJUANA† A few claims that by legalizing Marijuana mean we can treat the problem of drug abuse as a medical problem not a criminal one. It is estimated that the United States government spends $10 billion dollars a year in its attempts to keep Marijuana off the street, while the State of California has revenue of 14 billion annually for the production of its legalized medicinal Marijuana. If Marijuana is legalized The U.S. can tax the revenues and will have additional fund that can be used for awareness of the drugs affects and treatment. During the prohibition of alcohol during the 1920’s the Mafia could produce alcohol and had a considerable control over others who wanted it. The role that the Mafia played in the 1920’s has transformed into the corner drug dealers and drug cartel of the 1990’s. Legalization will result in a decrease in deaths and violence due to the unregulated black-market trade or Marijuana. 1 out of 6 people in jail are in for non-violent drug offens es. Prisons are overcrowded and it is very costly to keep people in  prison. Legalizing Marijuana would make room for more violent offenders. Marijuana is not more dangerous than alcohol Unlike Alcohol and prescription drugs; Marijuana is not lethal by overdosing. A study in 2009 by U.S. Department of Health and Human Studies published that 69.7 million Americans are current users of tobacco products, 15 million Americans abuse alcohol, and only 4.2 million Americans abuse Marijuana. Everyday 1,000 people die from smoking related illnesses, 550 die from alcohol related accidents and diseases, and less than 20 die of drug related causes. Legalization may not cause a spike in use as critics acclaim. American adolescents use Marijuana twice as much as their counter parts in Holland where Marijuana is legal. IMMEDIATE/PREGNENCY AND LONG TERM EFFECTS OF MARIJUANA Immediate Effects of Marijuana: The immediate effect of marijuana includes loss of restlessness, excitement, hallucinations, paranoia, psychotic episodes, impaired coordination, impaired motor ability, mood swing, and increased appetite impaired ability. Long Term Effects of Marijuana: It includes the loss of brain cells, lung cancer, chronic bronchitis, energy loss, slow confused thinking apathy and blood vessel blockage. Use by adolescents can disrupt emotional development, delay puberty, and can delay the monthly cycle in females. Marijuana may produce a mild physical dependence that causes minor withdrawal symptoms when discontinued, including nausea, insomnia, irritability, and anxiety. Physical effects of marijuana include diarrhea, cramps, weight loss or gain, impaired sex drive, and it is a gateway drug. Marijuana can be a gateway drug, which means it can lead to the use of many other harmful drugs–Children ages 12-17 are 85 times more likely to use cocaine Marijuana has also been linked with teen violence, suicide, crime, and unsafe sex-HIV transmission. Legalization of marijuana would not cut down on all crime; alcohol still causes family disputes, rape, robbery, reckless driving, and murder. Effects during Pregnancy: Research has shown that babies born to women who used marijuana during their pregnancies display altered responses to visual stimuli and increased tremulousness which may indicate problems with neurological development. Marijuana exposed children have also been found to have more behavioral problems and to perform tasks of visual perception, language comprehension, sustained attention, and memory poorly. In school, these  children are more likely to exhibit deficits in decision-making skills, memory, and the ability to remain attentive. Drugs are a major debate it the world we live in today. Drugs are gaining more and more attention. More and more people are using drugs than ever before and there is no decrease in the amount of drug users. One of the most commonly used drugs is marijuana. In today’s world marijuana is growing and is looking to be legalized in California for medical uses only but that will lead to many other problems in the near future. MEDICINAL USE OF MARIJUANA A big issue being raised in California is the legalization of marijuana for medical purposes only. The old laws would still be in effect. If you were found using it you would have to have your medical doctor’s prescription for it to get free from jail or a fine. Still, a cop could bust you for growing it and cuff you because they don’t know that your doctor prescribed it for you. This law is a state law and is called Proposition 215. This law has been turned down for the last two years. This year all the old laws that have been turned down have been put together to make a great law. This law actually passed November 5, 1996. Marijuana aids in the treatment of cancer, anorexia, chronic pain, spasticity, glaucoma, arthritis, migraine, or any other illness for which marijuana provides relief. The American Cancer society says NO to marijuana because it is not a substitute for appropriate anti-nausea drugs for cancer chemotherapy and vomiting. We see no reason to support the legalization of marijuana for medical use. Smoking marijuana is also not approved by the FDA for any illness. These corporations both say that they what a different drug to do the same thing but developing it will take an estimated 4 billion dollars. People what to know why some other drugs can be used like morphine but marijuana can’t. In conclusion, I strongly oppose the illegal use of marijuana and I believe that it’s wrong to smoke it or use it in any way, shape, or form. We only have one body and we should make the most of it and not mess it up by infesting our bodies with impurities that will affect us as we aged. To me doing any kind of drugs is criminal and a waste of time. I want to live my life without any worries of medical problems. Any kind of drug that is illegal is bad for your health but if recommended by a doctor does it make them any better.  Drugs will always be around in my opinion. The government can’t demolish drugs or marijuana but they can try to educate children while they are younger to tell them that drugs are bad and should not be taken. With the passing of this law marijuana will become legal in California. Other states can adopt this law if they would like. Education is the key to the end of drugs and the beginning of a new era. Just say NO. RESOURCES Lynskey, M. T. (2003). â€Å"Escalation of Drug Use in Early-Onset Cannabis Users vs Co-twin Controls†. JAMA: the Journal of the American Medical Association 289 (4): 427–33. DOI:10.1001/jama.289.4.427. Lay summary – National Institute on Drug Abuse (November 2003). Lynskey, Michael T.; Vink, Jacqueline M.; Boomsma, Dorret I. (2006). â€Å"Early Onset Cannabis Use and Progression to other Drug Use in a Sample of Dutch Twins†. Behavior Genetics 36 (2): 195–200. DOI:10.1007/s10519-005-9023-x. PMID 16402286. Degenhardt, Louisa; Coffey, Carolyn; Carlin, John B.; Moran, Paul; Patton, George C. (2007). â€Å"Who are the new amphetamine users? A 10-year prospective study of young Australians†. Addiction 102 (8): 1269–79. DOI:10.1111/j.1360-0443.2007.01906.x. PMID 17624977. ABC News Australia: Cannabis linked to use of amphetamines, 2007-07-18 Agrawal, Arpana; Neale, Michael C.; Prescott, Carol A.; Kendler, Kenneth S. (2004). â€Å"A twin stu dy of early cannabis use and subsequent use and abuse/dependence of other illicit drugs†. Psychological Medicine 34 (7): 1227–37. DOI:10.1017/S0033291704002545. PMID 15697049. Ellgren, Maria: Neurobiological effects of early life cannabis exposure in relation to the gateway hypothesis. Ellgren, Maria; Spano, Sabrina M; Hurd, Yasmin L (2006). NYPD Organized Crime Control Bureau database manual. (marijuana statistics and current use).

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Ratio: Balance Sheet and Financial Results

UVA-C-2332 Rev. Oct. 17, 2012 RATIOS TELL A STORY—2011 Financial results and conditions vary among companies for a number of reasons. One reason for the variation can be traced to the characteristics of the industries in which companies operate. For example, some industries require large investments in property, plant, and equipment (PP&E), while others require very little. In some industries, the competitive productpricing structure permits companies to earn significant profits per sales dollar, while in other industries the product-pricing structure imposes a much lower profit margin.In most low-margin industries, however, companies often experience a relatively high rate of product throughput. A second reason for some of the variation in financial results and conditions among companies is the result of management philosophy and policy. Some companies reduce their manufacturing capacity to match more closely their immediate sales prospects, while others carry excess capacity to be prepared for future sales growth. Also, some companies finance their assets with borrowed funds, while others avoid that leverage and choose instead to finance their assets with owners’ equity.And some corporate management teams choose to not pay dividends to their owners, preferring to reinvest those funds in the company. Of course, another reason for some of the variation in reported financial results among companies is the differing competencies of management. Given the same industry characteristics and the same management policies, different companies may report different financial results simply because their managements perform differently. And last, one other reason is that some industries are more susceptible to macroeconomic conditions than others.This can be true when macroeconomic conditions (e. g. , foreign exchange rates, interest rates, and taxes) are weak and deteriorating as well as when they are strong and improving. Or this can also be true when such conditions are stable versus volatile. Those differences in industry characteristics, in company policies, in management performance, and in responsiveness to the macroeconomic environment are reflected in the financial statements published by publicly held companies. Furthermore, they can be highlighted through the use of financial ratios.Exhibit 1 presents balance sheets, in percentage form, and This case was prepared by Professor Mark E. Haskins, Darden Graduate School of Business Administration, and has benefited from collaborations with various colleagues over the years on earlier versions. It was written as a basis for discussion rather than to illustrate effective or ineffective handling of an administrative situation. Copyright ? 2012 by the University of Virginia Darden School Foundation, Charlottesville, VA. All rights reserved.To order copies, send an e-mail to [email  protected] com. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, used in a spreadsheet, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise—without the permission of the Darden School Foundation. ? -2- UVA-C-2332 selected financial ratios computed from fiscal year 2011 balance sheets and income statements for 13 companies from the following industries: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? irline railroad pharmaceuticals commercial banking photographic equipment, printing, and sales discount general-merchandise retail electric utility fast-food restaurant chain wholesale food distribution supermarket (grocery) chain Internet retailing advertising agency services computer software development Study the balance sheet profiles and the financial ratios listed for each of the 13 companies as presented in Exhibit 1. 1 Your assignment is to use your intuition, common sense, and basic understanding of the unique attributes of each industry listed above to match each column in the exhibit with one of the indus tries.Be prepared to give the reasons for your pairings, citing the data that seems to be consistent with the characteristics of the industry you selected. Ours is not a perfect world, however, and for our class discussion, it will be helpful if you will also identify those pieces of data that seem to contradict the pairings you have made. Please note that using the data available here, you will find it difficult to identify those companies whose financial results differ because of management policy and competence.Please note in Exhibit 1: OCI = Other Comprehensive Income, CFFO = Cash Flow From Operations, ST = Short Term, and LT = Long Term. 1 -3The ratios in Exhibit 1 are based on the following formulas: 1. ROS (return on sales) = Net income Net sales Net sales Average total assets Net income Average total assets ROS ? Asset turnover Average total assets Average total owners’ equity Net income Average total owners’ equity ROA ? Financial leverage Total current assets Total current liabilities Cost of goods sold Average ending inventory Average accounts receivable Net sales/365 days UVA-C-2332 . Asset turnover = 3. ROA (return on assets) or = = 4. Financial leverage = 5. ROE (return on equity) or = = 6. Current ratio = 7. Inventory turnover = 8. Receivables collection = 9. Revenue growth = This year’s net sales—Last year’s net sales Last year’s net sales Net sales—Cost of goods sold Net sales Cash dividends Net income Research and development expense Net sales 10. Gross margin = 11. Dividend payout 12. R&D ratio = = -4Exhibit 1 RATIOS TE ELL A STORY Y—2011 Selected Financ Data for 13 C S cial Companies (b balance sheet amou are percentage of total assets) unts UVA-C-2332 V

Eddie’s life Essay

Eddie is showing that he is faithful to his duties as a husband by showing consideration towards Beatrice. This would show Eddie as a better man because despite Beatrice disobeying Eddie by wanting to go the wedding, Eddie still cares for her as a wife. Beatrice: (very nervous and agitated) Why don’t you go to the kitchen and get some coffee. Beatrice is giving a sign to the audience as well as Eddie that something is wrong because at this time the audience also don’t know that it is Marco who is approaching the house. Also, usually in a Sicilian household a wife would make coffee for the husband so Beatrice’s behaviour is odd. Eddie: Look, I don’t want no coffee. Now tell me what’s the matter B. (Eddie gets up to approach B but then looks at the window and sees Marco approaching the front door) that scum, lemme at him (he rushes past Beatrice and through the door to the porch). The first sentence is grammatically incorrect which shows the dialect these characters speak in. The Carbone family are an uneducated and working class family, which says that perhaps Eddie is not the tragic hero in this play. Usually ‘heroes’ are people of importance like ‘Macbeth’ who was ‘Thane of Cawdor’. Beatrice: Come on Eddie, calm down. If you hurt him, you’ll be in an even worse position than you’re in now (Eddie seems to be considering Beatrice’s words) This shows Beatrice’s practicality and care for Eddie (Marco enters first. Rodolfo and Catherine follow, holding hands) Eddie: (extremely angry tone of voice) You dirty rat. You have made my life a living nightmare. Marco: You brought it on yourself. First, you humiliate my brother and then you steal food from my children! Where I come from you wouldn’t be living to experience this misery. (About to lunge on Eddie) This emphasises how different the Italian way of life is. This is similar to Miller’s script when Marco says ‘in my country he would be dead now’. I included this dialogue by Marco because it brings out the theme of law and justice in the play. It shows that for once Marco is unable to adapt to the American way of life. Justice and law however are not the same thing and the conflict between them runs throughout the play. From previous work I found out that in 1920’s America, law was not fully abided by the American people. Miller gave the role of the chorus to a lawyer to demonstrate this. Alfieri is telling us of gangsters, the Sicilian past and a people unwillingly accepting the law at the beginning of the play to show this. The fact that this play evolves around illegal immigrants also shows how much the law was really believed in. This dialogue from Marco also shows the theme of loyalty. .Alfieri talks about gangsters in the opening speech, which immediately leads the audience to think of the Mafia. The Mafia is greatly involved in business as well as organised crime. ‘Family’ members are protected; enemies or those who let down the family are treated pitilessly. These views are constantly emphasised throughout the play. When we first meet Marco he shows himself powerful by his actions rather than his words. He is very modest and almost all his conversation is dominated by the wish not to cause trouble- ‘when you say go, we will go’. He thanks people frequently, he quietens his younger brother, he refuses food and he wonders if they can accommodate him for the time being in such a small house. This is why he only has one speech to say in the whole of my script because as I have said before Marco is powerful by his actions rather than his words. From his actions here we can see he is still calm, and able to control his feelings because his tone is calm but then he ‘lunges’ at Eddie which shows that Marco is only human. Marco has been able to control his anger in previous scenes, for example when he held the chair over Eddie’s head but the fact that he lunged first shows how much anger he actually feels. In my ending Marco is a lot calmer, he didn’t directly invite Eddie to fight with him like in Miller’s ending: ‘Eddie Carbone’, ‘Anima-a-a-l’. I think my ending gives more power to Marco because Eddie sounds as though he is going insane because his life has been made ‘a misery’. It also shows Eddie as less cowardly because we can see how much Eddie has been affected by what Marco said before. Also the calm appearance of Marco shows he has control and hasn’t been driven crazy by all the events that have happened. Both Eddie and Marco have feelings of injustice. Eddie has his strongest feeling of injustice when Rodolfo arrives which is one of the causes of the rivalry between him and Marco. Eddie dislikes Rodolfo so teases and humiliates him, which causes Marco to humiliate Eddie. Eddie has been a father to Catherine all her life and â€Å"gave her the food out of his mouth†. He paid money to her so that she would meet a better class of people and there are subtle hints that he is attracted to her as well. He is justified to feel jealous and spiteful towards Rodolfo when he comes over from Italy and wins Catherine’s heart. He feels betrayed by Catherine that she has suddenly run off and lives her own life (this also could be attributed to his fear of Catherine growing up, and that she is not his little baby anymore. ) In his extreme anxiety he betrays them to the immigration bureau. In doing this he has also betrayed a neighbour’s cousins as well as Marco who is trying to make money to save his family. Not only has he betrayed his family he has betrayed himself and his word of honour, which means so much in the Italian culture, and to Eddie himself. Eddie’s own words were,† You can quicker get back a million dollars that was stole than a word you gave away. † Eddie has betrayed his own beliefs, and lost the respect of his whole community and his honour. The community has turned against Eddie, who ignored Alfieri’s words of warning: â€Å"You won’t have a friend in the world, Eddie! Even those who understand will turn against you,† Marco publicly denounces Eddie as a murderer, because Eddie has denied him the possibility to work in America to provide for his starving family’s desperate needs. It is Marco that is his opponent now, not Rodolfo, because Marco has taken Eddie’s name and honour. It is Marco’s belief that he has the right to take revenge and it is his duty to do so for the sake of his family. He cannot see why according to American law Eddie goes unpunished, â€Å"In my country he would be dead now. † In Italy the law was not all in a book and justice was more to do with feelings and emotions. Eddie is inevitably going to be merciless opposition when he demands ‘his namei back. The two men have basically the same beliefs and values, and after this head-on collision death is inevitable, because both men believe they are in the right and have gone too far to be able to give any ground or compromise. It is all or nothing. Marco has already ‘tried settling for half’ but Eddie hasn’t so Eddie’s death is the inevitable consequence of the play. Marco and Eddie are quite similar because they are both driven by their belief in a code of behaviour, in traditional standards of right and wrong. At the start of the play Eddie worries about Beatrice and Catherine not understanding the power of the United States immigration Bureau and then he launches into the Vinny Bolanzo story, which is a premonition of Eddie’s own story ‘Like Vinny Bolanzo†¦ you can quicker get back a million dollars that was stole than a word that you gave away’, it a short line but is of major significance. It is Eddie who speaks the line that later relates to his own dishonour and the loss of his good name: Before Eddie calls the immigration bureau, he goes to Alfieri for advice. The use of lighting is very important here because we are distracted from Alfieri’s final words by the light rising on the telephone box. Alfieri questions perfunctorily, but we know that the law has nothing to offer Eddie and the most important speech of Alfieri’s actually spells out natural moral law: ‘The law is only a word for what has a right to happen’ Rodolfo: (jumps in between Eddie and Marco to stop them from fighting) Look, Eddie I am sorry, OK. It is my fault; I should have asked your permission before I take Catherine out. How about we all go to the wedding together, eh? (He offers to shake Eddie’s hand but Eddie ignores him and pushes him out of the way) This intervention from Rodolfo shows another important theme running throughout the play- honour. Honour must be maintained; that is the inevitable outcome of the feelings to family contained in this play. Eddie has many reasons to justify his dislike in Rodolfo. He thinks Rodolfo is gay but it is also the opinions of others, which causes him to dislike Rodolfo. For example when Mike and Louis make fun of Rodolfo, it is an insult to Eddie and his family. Beatrice: Eddie, he apologises to you! Eddie: I don’t care; he wasn’t the one who stole my name! Eddie’s sense of justice and fairness motivated him a lot in reporting Marco and Rodolfo to the immigration bureau. At the beginning this was positive for instance he thought he had to let Marco and Rodolfo stay because it was the right thing to do: †Then what the hell. It’s an honour’ B. , I mean it. I was just thinkin’ before, comin’ home, suppose my father did not come to this country, and I was starvin’ like them over there. And I had people in America who could keep me a couple of months? The man would be honoured to lend me a place to sleep†. This shows his family loyalty at the beginning of the play but towards the end his sense of justice and fairness seem to get lost. When he says this line it shows that he only cares about his ‘name’. This is similar to miller’s ending in that he refuses the apology from Rodolfo but seeks revenge from Marco. Eddie has almost made himself believe that he hasn’t done anything wrong which is shown here. Marco didn’t actually ‘steal’ Eddie’s name but juts told the truth. It was Eddie who ‘stole food from my (Marco’s) children’s mouth’ Catherine: (runs up to the porch after Marco) Why did you do it Eddie, why? Catherine again shows her naivety and that she was unaware of what she has done to Eddie. It also shows the audience that she probably wasn’t ‘walking wavy’ In my ending Catherine doesn’t really play a part in raising the tension like she did in Miller’s ending. I did this because I wanted to show Catherine as a scared little girl like she was in the beginning of the play. This would also give the impression to the reader that she did have feelings for Eddie. This would create more sympathy for Eddie, when he dies. Eddie: (weakening, he takes a look at Rodolfo and then at Catherine) Oh Katie. I can’t take this no more. I’m sorry. I never meant for this to happen. (Eddie rushes on to the street and jumps into his car and drives away) Here Eddie finally apologises for what he has done but not directly to Marco, as this would not show his proud personality. He does however finally admit he made a mistake, which shows him as a better person and makes his tragic death more distressing for the audience. This play doesn’t have any scenes or sequences, which are played off-scene so it may be difficult to bring a car onto the stage. Alfieri: (Alfieri is lit up and is in the centre of the stage. While Alfieri is saying his soliloquy, Beatrice, Rodolfo and Catherine look over the bridge. Beatrice is weeping and so is Catherine. ) The last anyone ever saw of Eddie was from the bridge. Most of the time we settle for half but not this time. I know he was wrong but he allowed himself to be completely known and so I will miss him greatly. This shows how Eddie was not able to ‘settle for half’ which was what led Eddie to his death. This speech of Alfieri’s is quite similar to Miller’s speech because I think it gives a summary of Eddie’s life.